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I work for AWS. I am a tad biased when it comes to preferring them over other PaaS/SaaS/etc. clouds out there. Posting that you know who you are reading. AWS does not promote or share anything I post.
If you have not seen the re:MARS event this year, it was emceed by Adam Savage of Mythbusters. The speakers were awesome, and had a ton of super crazy tech that I only could dream about as a youngling. It is hard to imagine that we are where we are technically speaking, and I hope y’all are able to at least check out these keynotes. Below are a few more links to video content from the event. If you do not know what this event is, it shows off the awesome things AWS powers in-house, and in the tech/space community, and speakers explain how they got there, what drives them, and what AWS does to drive them forward.
It is a must-watch event in my book. I like re:MARS more than re:INVENT!
Finally - one of my favorite announcements from re:MARS was for a brand new service: AWS CodeWhisperer!
What does it do?
Imagine: What if you are wanting to make a python script that checks to see if a number you input is even or odd. Now what if you do not know python? No worries. CodeWhisperer will read the comments in your code, and function names, and many more things as you type, and automatically fills in code for you. We’re talking about full functions and conditional statements, not one line.
For instance, Jeff Barr says in his blog for an example:
“Let’s say you want to use the AWS boto library for Python to make an S3 bucket. If you type a new comment that says: # create S3 bucket, hit tab to autocomplete a full function that will ask for the bucket name and creates the bucket, and writes the output.”
Get on the list to test this service!
I cannot wait to see how this service empowers kids, and developers alike.
Happy Fri-Yay!!!